
International Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations

A Global Alliance Dedicated to Advancing the Occupational Safety and Health Profession


For each Knowledge category you will be asked to rate your level of knowledge from 0 to 4, with the numbers having the following meaning

  • 0 – No Knowledge: of this topic.
  • 1 – Awareness: Understands the need for and general principles of application of the knowledge.
  • 2 – Routine application: Applies the knowledge to routine, well-known situations, with depth in some areas.
  • 3 – Comprehensive application: Integrates, adapts and applies the knowledge to all relevant areas and situations.
  • 4 – Creative mastery: Applies the theoretical concepts and applied knowledge critically and creatively to new situations.


For each Skill Performance Criteria you will be asked to rate your level of proficiency from 0 to 4, with the numbers having the following meaning

  • 0 – No Skill: in relation to this performance criteria.
  • 1 – Awareness: Understands the need for and general principles of skill application.
  • 2 – Routine application: Applies the skill independently to well-known, routine tasks, and to nonroutine tasks under supervision.
  • 3 – Skilled application: Adapts and applies the skill independently and effectively, also to non-routine tasks.
  • 4 – Creative mastery: Applies the theoretical concepts and the practiced skill critically and creatively to new situations.

Any information entered will be transferred to a Word Doc that you can save at the end of the process. This website does not save any data

This self assessment tool allows you to rate yourself against all the Knowledge and Skills INSHPO has determined are required by OHS Practitioners and Professionals. This self assessment will take approximately 45 minutes.

The Knowledge criteria you will be asked to rate yourself against, fall under the following categories;

  • Hazards and Risk
  • Hazard and Risk Controls
  • Safety and Health Management
  • Professional Role and Functioning
  • Underlying Technical and Behavioural Disciplines
  • Underlying Management Science

 The Skills criteria you will be asked to rate yourself against, fall under the following categories;

  • Personal Skills - Verbal Communication and Professional Presentation Skills
  • Professional Skills - Evidenced-Based Practice, Influence, Leadership, Management and Professional and Ethical Practice
  • OHS Professional Technical Skills - Training, Surveying, Inspecting and Auditing, Investigating and Measuring and Monitoring

At the end you will be provided with a Gap Analysis in Word document format that highlights which Knowledge and Skills you need to include in your continuing professional development plan to ensure that you are adequately prepared and capable of fulfilling the expectations likely to be placed upon an OHS Practitioner and/or Professional.


e.g., Job Safety Analysis

i.e., FMEA, HAZOP, Fault Tree, Bowtie, etc.

o Basic underpinning science to understand the hazard’s behavior, how it causes damage and how it can be controlled
- Relevant definitions, units and methods of measurement
- Mechanisms of damage, injury and health outcomes, including those leading to material unwanted events
- How the hazard is used/occurs in the occupational environment and specific industries
- Risk factors

e.g. machinery guarding, access control, separation, containment, work skills, PPE, etc.

Recruitment and selection processes, fitness for work

Training; needs analysis; development and documentation of training; multimodal delivery; assessment of individuals and training programs; Mentoring

Establishing and managing a return-to-work program

individual and organizational decision-making processes, balancing priorities, risk perception and risk communication, role of workforce, trades unions, public and other stakeholders

Hazard audits, compliance audits, OHSMS audits, protocols and procedures, relevant standards

Formal and informal, internal and external and barriers to communication

e.g., affinity diagrams, flow charts, cause and effect, system diagrams

Planning, consulting, promoting, reviewing and consolidating including role of Practitioner/Professional

Independence, impartiality, confidentiality, competence, evidence base, collegiality, practice within competence

Structure and function of the brain and nervous systems, role of endocrine systems in response

Situation awareness, memory, cognitive biases in decision making

Learning, conditioning, motivation

Attribution theory and biases

Social comparison theory

Development of groups, in-groups and out-groups; social identity and self-categorization theories; stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination, contact hypothesis

Decision-making biases; group task performance

Sources of power, compliance, inequality, obedience to authority

e.g. theory of planned behavior; cognitive dissonance theory, persuasion theory

Competition and cooperation; conflict management styles; distributive and procedural justice understand the damage and control mechanisms of hazards covered; types of machinery and processes; and their functioning and hazards

e.g., noise, ventilation, chemicals, etc.

Organizational structure, departments’ functions, roles and responsibilities, authority and accountability

The Organization operating as a commercial entity with a range of stakeholders and attendant pressures, including costing and budgeting in their own area of responsibility

Legislation and organizational arrangements relating to terms and conditions of 10191,employment, employee rights, consultation and participation

Selects an appropriate time, format and venue taking into account the nature of the communication and the other person’s needs.

Focuses by giving full attention to the speaker. Puts the speaker at ease. Uses nonverbal cues appropriately.

Uses language appropriate to the nature of the communication and the other person; is clear and concise and uses questioning techniques as appropriate.

Respects people by demonstrating empathy, open-mindedness and respect. Looks at issues from others’ perspective. Lets go of preconceived ideas. Builds on others’ perspectives to enhance effectiveness and quality of outcomes.

Encourages and receives feedback with an open mind, listens, questions for clarification, reflects on the implications for own behavior and expresses appreciation for the feedback.

Gives feedback, including praise, which is timely, specific and focused on behaviors, not the person.

Confirms and closes communication by summarizing and clarifying the outcomes.

Documents by completing forms and preparing reports and documentation that are easily understood by the intended audience, demonstrating appropriate selection and structuring of information and correct spelling, grammar and industry-specific terminology.

Prepares professional reports and documentation that are easily understood by the intended audience, demonstrating appropriate selection and structuring of information and writing style.

Customizes information in a variety of formats and communication channels that take into account audience characteristics, needs and cultural sensitivities.

Uses information technology effectively in preparing OHS documentation.

Uses information technology effectively in communicating OHS information.

Makes presentations (informal and formal) that clearly communicate the topic to a range of audiences, using a variety of media.

Engages and works with the interests of people from a range of disciplines, backgrounds and workgroups.

Accesses information from a range of workplace sources using digital skills and a variety of strategies.

Uses literacy skills to read and interpret OHS legislation, codes of practice, guidance material, policies and procedures.

Investigates and assesses the credibility of sources and information reliability and validity.

Collates information to identify common themes.

Critically evaluates and validates results through challenging information, concepts and theories.

Synthesizes information to identify implications for practice.

Applies information, concepts and theories to inform practice.

Identifies a problem(s) by application of informal and structured strategies.

Analyzes and applies a range of information gathering and analytical strategies to clarify the nature of the problem and the contributing factors.

Generates potential solutions by applying consultative and creative processes.

Evaluates systematically and considers potential solutions against preset criteria in a consultative process.

Applies consultative and creative processes for evaluating potential solutions.

Decides on a strategy based on evaluation.

Implements by supporting change management processes to implement selected solutions.

Reviews outcomes using prescribed processes to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of solutions implemented.

Seeks information and feedback to evaluate and validate the effectiveness of solutions.

Improves outcomes by recommending/taking action based on the review’s outcomes to optimize OHS outcomes.

Accesses OHS handbooks and standards for evidence to inform OHS practice.

Accesses OHS research papers and reports for evidence to inform OHS professional practice.

Designs workplace-based studies that have rigor and ethical integrity to clarify issues and contributing factors and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Implements action by applying information from OHS handbooks and standards as part of OHS practice.

Systematically implements workplace-based research studies.

Analyzes and evaluates OHS research papers, reports and work-place studies for evidence to inform OHS professional practice.

Synthesizes OHS research information and outcomes to inform OHS practice.

Interacts to develop relationships with operational staff and consultative group(s).

Networks by identifying champions and other stakeholders (including managers, technical staff, employees, consultants, regulators and local residents) and creates positive relationships.

Informs others by providing technically correct information informed by conceptual models that takes into account current OHS thinking.

Empathizes with others by identifying their needs and perspective, including the organizational environment. Generates their respect.

Provides advice that others can understand and takes into account the needs and perspectives of others and the organizational environment.

Relates to others by becoming a trusted resource through establishing credibility and demonstrating reliability.

Provides support to others by both actions and communications.

Takes action to implement strategy and management decisions.

Engages to establish a relationship as a basis for learning and development of another.

Clarifies by engaging with others as a proposed mentor or mentee to clarify their current knowledge, skill and perspective basis, their goals and factors that may affect goal achievement.

Engages to share knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster others’ personal and professional development.

Supports others by providing constructive feedback to enable transferable learning.

Reflects and engages with others to review their learnings and strategy for achieving the goals.

Understands different traits, styles and team roles.

Understands and recognizes the steps in group/team formation and supports the maturation of a group to form an effective team.

Supports discussion to ensure that team members have a common understanding of the goals and individual roles and a shared commitment to the activity.

Shares information and ideas openly and willingly inside and outside formal team processes and offers assistance to others in performing their tasks

Respects and listens to the opinion of others, has patience and respects and trusts others to complete their assigned tasks.

Actively participates in team processes and demonstrates commitment by attending meetings and other activities.

Demonstrates flexibility in own role in team, and openness to the opinions of others and in dealing with changing conditions.

Identifies the phenomenon of “group think” and challenges the group to open the discussion to apply broader thinking.

Understands that differences of opinion are a healthy part of management decision making and, in that context, affirms their own position.

Ensures that all pertinent facts and context of the situation are known.

Identifies the background and reason for differences in opinion and respects those differences.

Applies interpersonal skills of listening, questioning and reflecting to facilitate discussion to clarify goals and common ground.

Facilitates discussion to identify alternative strategies and compromises, which may achieve greater benefit for all concerned than original positions.

Confirms clearly the agreement reached so that all involved have a similar understanding of the outcome.

Shows self-awareness by identifying own leadership style and the need for both further development and situational adaptation to enhance leadership capabilities.

Demonstrates up-to-date knowledge on OHS and current issues and an ability to explain complex/technical topics in a way that others can understand.

Creates an imperative for change and a clear vision to bring people along.

Engages people in the process, comprehends and accepts emotions, feelings and others’ perspective and is able to build rapport with and empathy for others.

Demonstrates assertiveness where needed in subtle, constructive ways.

Leads by setting an example and by demonstrating confidence, optimism and interest in others, which, in turn, generates confidence in others.

Generates the respect of others.

Builds consensus and constructive problem solving.

Provides support to people to make them comfortable, bases change on learning and enables people to have ownership of the outcome.

Perseveres and recognizes that change takes time.

Identifies and clearly communicates the need for improvement and change and the benefits of change.

Identifies options for change to address needs and realize benefits.

Applies consultative processes to developing implementation plan.

Defines and clarifies scope of change, parameters, objectives, budget, stakeholders, roles and timelines and interaction with other processes and activities.

Identifies key players and establishes the project team to facilitate change and give people ownership of outcomes.

Collaborates to develop project plan, identify project risks and required resources and potential impact on other groups.

Uses formal processes to plan, sequence and prioritize own activities and activities for implementation of change.

Identifies and assesses appropriate project management tools, develops operational plans, accesses required resources, defines and communicates and delegates roles and responsibilities. Establishes monitoring processes. Influences, mentors and supports others in managing change.

Administers, establishes and maintains required recordkeeping systems, including financial recordkeeping and project progress.

Plans, prepares and conducts structured meetings with clear outcomes.

Administers by using digital systems and programs to assist planning and tracking of communications for implementation activities.

Communicates with all affected groups to support change.

Completes activities, including required reports.

Administers approved processes for monitoring the outcomes of change processes.

Reviews and evaluates project processes and outcomes against project scope and plan with input from project team. Documents lessons learned. Recognizes input of others and shares credit for achievements.

Identifies and clarifies the role of others from both strategic and operational perspectives with an understanding of what is reasonable given the circumstances.

Plans and allocates appropriate resources and allocation of personnel to OHS and company priorities.

Reviews and monitors the processes and outputs of those being managed.

Creates opportunities to support and develop the capability of those being managed.

Manages own activities and is reliable with regard to agreed deliverables and timelines.

Undertakes formal and informal CPD {37} activity to ensure currency and capability.

Works effectively as a leader or as part of a team while respecting differences and diversities.

Recognizes the value of professional, enterprise and industry collaboration.

Consults by seeking information or informed opinion from others as part of decision making.

Seeks further advice within the OHS profession and across other professions and stakeholders as appropriate.

Engages to establish a relationship with a higher-level/peer professional or other appropriate mentor as a basis for self-development.

Engages in professional discussion with peers with a view to advance professional practice.

Engages appropriately and effectively with technology to access information, collect and collate information, produce documents and engage with people in appropriate ways. This includes providing information, communicating as well as developing and delivering training.

Applies formal and informal processes to reflect on current and past practice to identify areas for improvement or development.

Recognizes the limits of own knowledge, skills and experience.

Complies with relevant codes of conduct and laws.

Treats all individuals with respect and maintains confidentiality of personal and business-sensitive information.

Examines critically the ethics of proposed courses of action.

Provides unbiased and impartial advice.

Provides advice informed by technical and conceptual knowledge.

Acts with honesty and probity. Sets example of good OHS behavior.

Takes responsibility for and demonstrates the conceptual and technical underpinning of own practice.

Recognizes when disclosure and whistleblowing may be appropriate and takes action in an ethical manner.

Identifies knowledge and skill gaps and training needs for specific groups.

Develops appropriate learning outcomes to address knowledge and skill gaps.

Prepares appropriate training material to address learning outcomes and defined competencies.

Organizes appropriate planning processes and logistics to deliver training to specified groups.

Communicates effectively during training with a range of people.

Engages with supervisors, workers and managers to help them acquire and use their skills and knowledge for improving OHS.

Assesses learning outcomes for individuals and provides feedback.

Evaluates training outcomes and makes modifications as necessary.

Systematically observes the workplace, state of technology, processes and behaviors to evaluate their conformity with requirements.

Designs a comprehensive monitoring system to collect and analyze information to evaluate risk controls and OHS management processes.

Interviews by meeting with, collecting information from and discussing OHS with all levels of employees and managers to gain insight into their work practices, beliefs and attitudes toward OHS.

Combines and critically assesses information from inspections, surveys and audits to determine the state of OHS.

Contributes to the development of written and oral reports to managers as a basis for decisions about improvement.

Provides formal written and oral reports to stakeholders and decision makers as a basis for improvement.

Coordinates/supports identification and collection of evidence associated with accidents and non-conformances to determine the sequence of events and assist in uncovering causal links.

Interviews leads/participates in collection of information from people involved in the development of the accident/event, while avoiding hindsight and other biases and ensuring that conclusions are soundly based.

Collates the evidence about the development of the incident/accident in a critical way to understand and chart that scenario and its links to underlying practices and conditions.

Supports the analysis and synthesis of evidence to understand and chart scenarios and links to risk controls.

Recognizes the difference between superficial and underlying causes of incidents and unsafe conditions. Identifies ineffective and missing barriers and assesses possible improvements to avoid the scenario revealed and any other related scenarios.

Synthesizes data and evidence to develop recommendations for future prevention.

Writes and communicates reports to meet organizational standards on accidents with nonfatal potential.

Contributes to the reports of OHS and other professionals on accidents with fatal potential.

Writes and communicates reports to organizational, professional and legal standards.

Recommends based on appropriate use of analysis improvements in the work processes and organizational environment.

Implements/supports changes to implement recommendations.

Collects information as a basis for monitoring effectiveness of recommendations.

Assesses the implementation of recommended controls and their effectiveness.

Selects the appropriate tools to assess the organization’s processes, workplaces and working environments.

Applies appropriate tools to gather information to assess the effectiveness of risk controls.

Implements appropriate strategies and tools to gather information as per agreed performance criteria as part of assessing the risks and effectiveness of hazard controls.

Uses technology to analyze data to identify trends.

Interprets data to evaluate OHS performance, the factors affecting performance and areas for improvement.

Uses technology to develop graphical presentations as part of reporting.

© 2025 INSHPO | International Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations