
International Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations

A Global Alliance Dedicated to Advancing the Occupational Safety and Health Profession


To support a safe work environment by maintaining OHS administra­tive processes, conducting basic OHS training and effectively using a range of OHS tools and processes to implement OHS programs and drive compliance. To monitor the implementation of critical controls.

To contribute to maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment by implementing and monitoring OHS systems and processes in their local area. This includes managing OHS administrative processes, con­ducting training and effectively using a range of OHS tools and processes to implement OHS programs and drive compliance. To initiate, promote and implement site-level activities to improve OHS. To contribute to the implementa­tion and monitoring of critical controls.

To contribute to development and maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment by implement­ing and monitoring OHS activities to continuously improve OHS. This includes managing OHS administrative processes, identifying training needs, designing and conducting training and effectively using a range of OHS tools and processes to implement OHS programs and drive compliance. To design, develop and implement in­novative site-level activities to improve OHS. To drive site-level identification, imple­mentation and monitoring of critical controls. May manage a small site OHS team.

To support development and main­tenance of a safe and healthy work environment by:

  • ensuring identification of key risks and critical risk controls;
  • analyzing OHS training needs;
  • designing, delivering and evaluat­ing OHS training; and
  • applying the OHS evidence base to develop, implement and moni­tor OHS strategy and programs, including for OHS critical control management. To ensure appropriate maintenance of OHS records.

To apply leadership, specialist skills and knowledge of the OHS evidence base to provide strategic direction and support to managers to:

  • operationalize and implement corporate OHS strategy; and
  • evaluate the outcomes with an emphasis on critical control man­agement.

To set corporate direction and lead development of strategy for OHS by applying high-level stra­tegic and/or specialist skills. To work with Boards, executives, senior managers and others to lead OHS strategy and to initiate, develop and maintain activi­ties for a safe and healthy work environment. To ensure an emphasis on critical risk and identification and man­agement of critical controls. To develop and implement a strategy for communicating the strategy and framework through­out the business. To represent the company to external agencies.

Lead the development of OHS management systems policies and procedures. Understand management systems, policies and procedures in the broader context of the business as a sociotechnical system and develop effective, nonbureaucratic management systems acceptable to all stakeholders.

Advise on and facilitate commitment of appropriate resources for sustainably managing OHS.

Support and motivate senior management through them, all people in the organization, to pro­vide OHS leadership and to give appropriate priority to OHS in relation to other business objectives.

Facilitate development and utilisation of strategic and operational plans to address and improve the control of OHS hazards, their associated risks and related costs.

Support implementation of and monitor compliance with defined OHS management system, policy and procedures. Builds relationships as a basis for influence with managers to understand the limitations of written safety rules and procedures and to favour control through workplace and process design, critical controls and proven competence.

Contribute to identification of required resources and work within resource framework.

Support and motivate line management and supervisors to provide OHS leadership and through them to influence workers to give appropriate priority to OHS in relation to other operational objectives.

Facilitate, monitor and provide feedback on implementation of operational plans to address and improve the controls of OHS hazards, their associated risks and related costs

practices to achieve an organizational culture that is focused on OHS. Recognize the maturity of the organization’s culture and work with managers as a change agent to increase organizational OHS maturity.

Facilitate the identification and management of OHS implications of organizational change and influence the change process to minimize adverse effects and maximize positive effects of the change.

Engage with managers at all levels in the organiza­tion to develop their responsibility and leadership in OHS.

Engage with stakeholders and others to promote innovation in managing OHS

Facilitate, monitor and support management prac­tices and projects aimed at achieving an organiza­tional culture focused on OHS. Recognize and sup­port the increase in the maturity of the organization’s culture and its effect on how to function effectively as an OHS Practitioner.

Support implementation of change processes to improve OHS, being aware of the cross-functional impacts of change.

Engage with supervisors and middle managers to develop responsibility and leadership in OHS.

Develop and implement processes for hazard identification, including those for major risks.

Use technical, human factors and other theoretical knowledge, to research, review and interpret information on hazards to identify causation, consequences, possible risk controls, including critical controls, and potential failure in controls related to all relevant hazards in all lifecycle phases.

Develop and lead processes to identify risk factors and to analyze and prioritize OHS risks with an emphasis on critical risk.

Provide technical, organizational and strategic information to inform risk analysis and risk estimation processes.

Provide advice on the strategy requirements for compliance with OHS-related laws and standards.

Ensure processes are in place to empower workers to stop work considered an immediate threat to health or safety.

Advise on cost-effective and efficient hazard controls, including critical controls, and risk minimization/mitigation strategies, taking a lifecycle approach.

Support identification and implementation of critical controls for effective OHS risk management and OHS risk minimization.

Oversee, evaluate and approve the collection, development and implementation of safety procedures and documentation, including for emergency situations.

Conduct hazard identification in well-known tasks in sometimes dynamic conditions.

Contribute to identification of risk factors and analysis and prioritization of OHS risks associated with known and routine work processes in familiar environments.

Provide technical information to inform risk analysis and risk estimation processes.

Provide information on the requirements for com­pliance with detailed, operational-level OHS-related regulations and standards.

Take appropriate steps to stop unsafe work.

Advise on hazard control for routine and sometimes complex tasks.

Advise on and support implementation of efficient controls, including critical controls for effective risk minimization/mitigation strategies.

Prepare and check specifications and orders for the purchase of preventive and protective safety equip­ment and other physical risk controls.

Coordinate the issue, testing availability, use and re­placement of personal protective and/or emergency equipment.

In liaison with operational staff, write and keep up–to-date procedures for safe working.

Write and keep up-to-date documentation for emergency planning.

Facilitate processes to develop criteria for determining criticality of risk.

Develop criteria for monitoring OHS performance that take into account the overall organizational goals.

Design and implement processes for monitoring OHS performance at strategic and operational levels.

Monitor the effectiveness of hazard and risk controls with an emphasis on critical controls, including the identification of actual and potential failure in controls.

Monitor, evaluate and report on the effectiveness of risk management and OHS management processes at operational and strategic levels.

Implement, monitor and evaluate processes and procedures to investigate, analyze and report on incidents and nonconformities indicating failures or inadequacies of controls. Mentor operations personnel to participate in incident investigations.

Develop, manage, evaluate and improve OHS audit processes and conduct OHS hazard and management system audits.

Develop, evaluate and manage emergency and disaster preparedness.

management reviews to systematically assess, monitor and identify areas for improvement in the OHS strategy, management system and OHS culture.

Make recommendations to address identified issues and improve OHS management and risk minimization.

Build relationships with supervisors and managers to develop their understanding as to why work as done may differ from documented procedures.

Implement activities to monitor OHS performance.

Monitor the integrity and effectiveness of controls, with an emphasis on critical controls, to identify actual and potential failures in control.

Coordinate workplace inspection activities to monitor the presence and use of hazard controls.

Monitor and provide feedback on compliance with safety-critical procedures.

Prepare and use equipment to undertake basic measurement and monitoring of the work environment.

Contribute to monitoring of employees and contractors’ personnel and their compliance with OHS requirements.

Monitor and report on the effectiveness of risk management and OHS management processes.

Support processes and procedures to investigate analyze, record and report on incidents and nonconformities indicating failures or inadequacies of controls.

Participate in OHS hazard and management system audits.

Conduct and analyze emergency drills.

Support periodic management reviews to systematically assess, monitor and identify areas for improvement in the OHS management system and OHS culture.

Make recommendations to improve OHS including addressing identified nonconformities to improve OHS compliance.

Specify, develop and use data management systems for collecting and validating information relevant to OHS.

Collect and critically evaluate information from diverse internal and external sources and databases as part of evidence-based practice.

Collect, collate and interpret information to develop business cases for OHS improvement strategies and activities.

Analyze and apply data to identify trends and information to monitor and report OHS performance.

Use and maintain data management systems for collecting information relevant to OHS.

Collect and keep up-to-date relevant internal and external OHS information, regulations, standards, good practice and OHS record systems.

Analyze and apply data to monitor OHS performance and produce summary reports.

Develop and implement OHS-related communication and consultation systems and processes engaging all stakeholders.

Lead and facilitate OHS knowledge and skill development, training and understanding of OHS responsibilities, obligations and actions required to meet legal and risk management requirements.

Support the development and delivery of OHS training for all levels in the organization.

Develop relationships with managers to support OHS development relevant to their roles.

Communicate and liaise with business partners OHS regulators and other external bodies on behalf of the organization.

Be a “trusted advisor” to influence management decision making to consider OHS implications.

Implement OHS-related communication and consultation processes with stakeholders.

Contribute to the preparation of training and information material to develop OHS skills and awareness in workers and supervisors.

Conduct and support OHS training and skill development related to OHS for supervisors and workers.

Develop relationships with supervisors and middle managers to support their development in OHS related to their role.Develop relationships with supervisors

Provide varied and up-to-date OHS information to middle managers, supervisors and workers.

Be a “trusted advisor” to influence middle managers, supervisors and workers.

Promote and comply with laws and regulations governing professional practice of OHS and related activities.

Make decisions and judgments impartially based on scientific evidence and verifiable theoretical and professional knowledge and practice.

Operate with a level of autonomy to conceptualize, plan, implement and evaluate OHS projects and risk control and management processes.

Observe relevant codes of conduct provided by professional associations and other assessment and advisory bodies nationally and internationally.

Ensure that clients, employers and others who may be affected by their activities are aware of their levels of professional competence. Seek specialist support and advice where necessary and appropriate.

Ensure currency of own OHS conceptual understanding, technical knowledge and industry practice.

Engage in evidence-informed reflective practice evaluative activities and professional discussion with a view to testing ideas through peer appraisal. Provide mentoring to OHS Practitioners.

Provide leadership in OHS and act as an exemplar of good OHS practice and behavior to peers, coworkers and the public.

Comply with laws and regulations governing practice of OHS and related activities.

Make decisions and judgments impartially based on standards, legislative requirements, OHS knowledge and practice.

Operate under the (direct or indirect) direction of an OHS Professional to implement OHS projects and risk controls

Observe relevant codes of conduct provided by professional associations and other assessment and advisory bodies nationally.

Ensure that employers and others who may be affected by their activities are aware of their levels of OHS competence. Seek specialist support and advice where necessary and appropriate.

Ensure currency of own OHS technical knowledge and knowledge of industry practice.

Seek out and form a collaborative relationship with an OHS Professional mentor.

Provide leadership in OHS and act as an exemplar of good OHS practice and behavior to peers, coworkers and the public

© 2025 INSHPO | International Network of Safety & Health Professional Organisations